Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Verdict Is In!

We found out this morning that we are going to be the parents of three babies girls! Yep, that's right three girls! There's going to be a lot of pink, frills, and estrogen in my house I can feel it already. Matt's going to register for a shotgun later this week.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Spilling the Beans

Because of my lapse in blogging I never posted how we told our families and friends about the babies. So now I get to share with you how I came up with the ideas all by myself LOL yeah right I would like to thank google and YouTube for the ideas.

I'll start off with his parents and siblings. We had them all over for dinner. I suggested that we haven't had a family picture in awhile and I needed a new one for the wall. They gathered around and I stood to take the picture. So I go to take the picture and Matt says "everybody say... Holly's pregnant!" Every jaw in the room dropped and gasps were all that were heard. After what seemed like an hour everybody final clued into what he said and was ecstatic. We were hugged and tears were shed. Then I told them I needed a real family picture and to gather back around. Everybody posed and this time Matt said "everybody say... With triplets!" The reactions were priceless. Everybody screamed and cried. Even I cried (hormones, it was all the hormones). They did not believe us (naturally.... I don't even still believe it!). It was a fantastic surprise!

We told my grandparents and one of my close aunts when we were over at my grandparents houses for dinner. I got up and simply said "you know, you guys are such amazing grandparents we decided to make you great-grandparents!" It took a second to register I think but finally my grandpa smiled and said "wait, you're pregnant?!" I nodded and everybody erupted with laughs and screams. Then Matt said "but wait don't you guys want to see a picture?" I pulled the ultrasound out of my purse and on it printed was "ITS TRIPLETS!!!" My grandma was the first one to realize what is said and she started crying right away, which made my grandpa ask what? She showed him and he started crying too which made my cry hard! I've never been an emotional person, what are these babies doing to me?

Anyway, those are our stories! I thought they were well planned and executed perfectly *brushes shoulder*. Everybody is super excited which makes me super excited one minutes then I came to my senses and remember that I'm having three freaking human beings, then I have a panic attack and when I finally calm down I start again.

We have an appointment with the perinatologist again tomorrow to check dee babes and make sure they're getting fatter. We are also going to find out the genders tomorrow and y'all will be the first to hear! I know you'll be waiting refreshing the page minute by minutes waiting for an update ;)

Sunday, 17 March 2013

I'm A Horrible Blogger

I've been MIA for a little while and decided to get my butt in gear and update this thing So here we go!

I posted before that my mom passed away on January 18th and I was an emotional wreck after that. I decided to take a couple weeks off from work (and basically everything else in my life) to make arrangments for her estate and settle everything with her will. With all the stress from that I admit I was not taking care of myself and I ended up in the hospital for dehydration. I went to a routine OB appointment and had lost 14 pounds so he told me to get my ass to the hospital. He ended up keeping me there for 4 days for rehydration. After that I was released with orders to rest and EAT. Luckily, at that point all the babies were measuring right on schedule.

Then I had an appointment with the perinatologist the following Monday. I was 13 weeks at this point and had gained back a little more weight. But when the perinatologist did an ultrasound he found that Baby A was measuring smaller, not a lot smaller but enough for it to be significant. He said he wanted to see me again in a week because the measurements could be leading to twin-to-twin-transfusion syndrome (TTTS) or in our case triplet to triplet. 

I went back the next week (14 weeks) and he was concerned because Baby A seemed to not have grown as much as he expected and its fluid was a tad low and Baby B had grown a lot more and its fluid was on the higher side. The doctor diagnosed us with Level 1 TTTS and wanted me back another week later to check again. 

A week later (15 weeks) I went back and Baby A had not grown at all, which as an expectant mother hearing this is the scariest effing thing in the world. He decided that if in another week Baby A had not grown a significant amount he was going to have to preform a laser surgery - what is this star wars or something? (If you get that reference you get 10 points) - that severs the connection between Baby A and Baby B. 

Week 16 rolls around and I'm sitting in the doctors office hearing that I have to have surgery to save my babies lives. Umm, excuse me? This pregnancy is suppose to be rainbows and puppies, not lasers and surgery! I did not sign up for this.

The surgery sounds a whole lot scary than it actually was. I went into the OR, they have me am epidural (which hurts like a bitch by the way) and put up the curtain and that was pretty much my taking part. Behind the blue curtain they use a fetoscope (do you like how technical I am?) and an ultrasound to guide the laser and then they take the lightsaber laser and sever the blood vessels connecting Baby A and Baby B. 

The surgery was done and has had no complications. I had to stay over night in the hospital to be monitored closely but there were absolutely no complications, other than a bit of itching from the epidural. I went back to the perinatologist a week later (17 weeks), he did an ultrasound and said that all 3 babies are doing great! *happy dance* They all have good measurements except Baby A who's measuring about 16 weeks but he said that's normal and he/she should catch up within a couple of weeks to a month. 

I'll try and make another post later today but right now the babies want a nice big Caesar salad with all the trimmings! And what the babies want the babies get, that makes me a good mother, right?