Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Adeline, Eloise, and Olivia

Here's the updates since the girls arrived:

UPDATE # 1 (Sunday night) 
The girls are here and they are fighters! I don't know everything about them yet just weights and names. Baby A - Adeline - 1 pound Baby B - Eloise - 1 pound 7 ounces Baby C - Olivia - 1 pound 4 ounces I'm told they are tiny but mighty. I haven't seen them yet because they are waiting for my blood pressure to come down before they move me. I'll post more when I know more.
UPDATE#2 (Monday morning)
I got to see the girls last night at 11 when my bp had finally come down a bit. The nurses kept telling me just to try and rest but I finally convinced then that there was no possibility of that until I see my babies. They are tiny. It was a bitter sweet moment seeing them for the first time. It was amazing to look at them and know that they are here and alive against all odds. But then again they are sick little girls. They have cords and tubes coming from everywhere and there's machines beeping and buzzing and thumping. They are too sensitive to be touched which is the hardest part other than seeing them hooked up to everything. It was overwhelming to say the least. I've been pretty emotional this morning. Hormones probably. I'm sore and tired even though I did get a bit of sleep after visiting. I'm trying to stay strong for my girls though. I'm hopefully going down there again later this morning. I'll update again when I can. Please keep thinking of us and praying for our girls.
UPDATE #3 (Monday night)
I got to spend a lot more time with my girls this morning/afternoon. I'm so emotional I cried almost the whole time. All of them are so teeny tiny it's hard to believe. When you think of your babies you're expecting a plump newborn that cries and poops and opens their eyes but with preemies that's not the case. I don't know what I was expecting to see when I visit them. This all feels like a really bad dream I'm going to wake up from. I met the neonatologist here and he's said this is going to be a very long road. We have some pretty sick little girls. Adeline (Baby A) is now only 15 ounces, Eloise (Baby B) has lost 2 ounces (now 1 lb 5 oz) and Olivia (Baby C) has stayed at 1 lb 4oz. They are all on ventilaters and will be for weeks to come. It's scary to think of the road we have ahead of us but we're taking it one day at a time right now.
UPDATE #4 (Tues Night)
Been quite a rough day today for both the girls and me.We'll start with me - I've barely slept since the girls were born. I'm exhausted but I can't sleep. I'm beyond sore everywhere. I'm so emotional I haven't stopped crying since Sunday. Now the girls - Adeline has a small whole in her heart, called a PDA. They are treating it with medication but if it does not close up they will have to do surgery. I am not taking that well. How is my less then a pound baby suppose to survive through surgery? Her breathing is quite laboured still. She's remained at 15 ounces today. Eloise also has a whole in her heart but her's is larger. They are treating her with the same medicine but it's more likely that she will have to have surgery. Again, I'm not okay with my little girl having surgery. She has lost another ounce and is now at 1 pound 4 ounces. Olivia now has a lung infection and is in critical condition. They are treating her with antibiotics but have told us to prepare for the worst. She's lost 3 ounces today and is now only 1 pound 1 ounce. Very stressful day today. I'm numb from crying so much and I need a long rest but every time I close my eyes I can't fall asleep. DH has taken a couple weeks off from work so he's here which has made a difference. 

Sunday, 28 April 2013


Doctor just visited and my blood pressure has sky rocketed to 192/112. He's not waiting anymore. We're delivering in an hour. He's getting the team together and were going in ASAP. This morning the babies were all measuring just under or just over 24 weeks. Please keep thinking of us and praying. I'll update when I can.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Where Do I Begin?

I need to get on this blog thing. I'm seriously lacking lately and I don't even have a good excuse other than I've been so fucking exhausted. Well you know growing three humans inside you does take a lot of work. I deserve a cookie. No dammit I deserve 50 cookies.

Well I'm in the hospital now. On bed rest. Strict. Bed. Rest. Lets quote one of my first posts... *que flash back music* ... "This is a very big deal for me. I hate, let me repeat for exaggeration, hate having people take care of me. It's my number one pet peeve. Sure, it sounds great to lay in bed all day but not being able to do anything for myself would put me over the edge and I'd have to be admitted to the mental ward." Let us repeat that one more time for emphasis. I HATE PEOPLE TAKING CARE OF ME. And I'm only allowed to get out of bed to pee and even then I have to call a nurse to untangle me from the millions of cords I have attached to every bodily orifice. They may as well call the psych ward and book me a room with a window because I'm going to be there soon enough.

I'm locked up because of my dumbass blood pressure. I know, just give me a pill or a shot and send me home. WRONG. That doesn't work. I had a check up with my OB on Tuesday and and he sent me to the hospital because he didn't like my bp (bp means blood pressure. Being in the hospital has really uped my medical lingo) levels. Well your's wouldn't be so hot either if you had three people inside you doc. I was admitted and my bp kept steady all through the night into early Wednesday morning. Then it started rising again. That's when they transferred me to another, bigger, more high tech, fancier hospital that would be able to take care of the babies if they need to get borned sooner rather than later. It's stayed around 162/90ish all yesterday and today. They've given me mess to try and bring it down more but they ain't working. I also did a 24 hour urine test to check for pre-eclampsia. I should hear those results tomorrow morning.

I'm absolutely miserable. *warning these are the words of Holly's evil pregnant, hormonal twin sister Dolly. She's a bitch really* It's fucking freezing in this room. The lady down the hall is boiling hot dogs in her room I swear and it's making me so nauseous I can't eat anything. My nurse on shift right now is a meanie. My eyes are so swollen from crying because I'm stuck in this dumbass mother fucking hospital bed. My feet are beyond swollen. My back and legs are killing me from not moving for days. I just want to paint my nails. And I'm having a mental breakdown. I don't know how I'm going to last another day let alone weeks in this room.